As the CEO or CSO of a biotech company, you need to expedite establishment of in vivo proof-of-concepts and speed-up the selection of new drug candidates that will be compatible with the desired target product profiles. Your investors will want…
As a project leader, CSO, department head or even manufacturing site head in a pharma company, you are likely looking for external partners to absorb peak activities and subcontract exploratory experiments that your teams cannot handle. You sometimes may need…
Non-Profit Drug R&D Organisations
As a project leader working for a non-profit drug R&D organisation, you are looking for skilled and reliable external partners who share your values and who will stay engaged all along your research program. You may sometimes run…
TTO (SATT), Universities, Public Research Institutes
Project leader in a TTO (or a French SATT), you will have to prioritise between studies to fast reach a Proof-of-Concept in appropriate animal models. You will have to optimize the way projects can be shaped for being presented for licensing, meeting with first investors or launching a startup. You will need…
Partner CRO
Decision maker in a preclinical CRO, you know that synergizing with the right complementary CROs can make a big difference when it comes to rapidly fulfilling your clients’ project needs. You are aware…
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2025 wishes
All the Drugabilis team wishes you a happy 2025 new year! May this year be rich of as many...
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