
2024 AFSSI Connexions

2024 AFSSI Connexions

Back to the images of the 2024 AFSSI Connexions in Montpellier (2nd and 3rd of July)... Like last year, this 11th edition took place in the old...

Meet2Win 2024

Meet2Win 2024

Drugabilis attended the 9th edition of MEET2WIN in Bordeaux (France) in May 2024. As always, it was a great opportunity to meet the oncology...

BioEurope Spring 2024

BioEurope Spring 2024

Drugabilis attended BioEurope Spring this year, held in the center of Barcelona from March 18th to 20th. It was a great opportunity to connect with...

2024 wishes

2024 wishes

All the Drugabilis team wishes you a happy 2024 new year!  May this year be rich of fruitful collaborations and scientific networking, as it has...

Biofit 2023

Biofit 2023

Our CEO-CSO and COO were attending the last edition of Biofit in Marseille on December 12th and 13th. DRUGABILIS presence on the AFSSI booth enabled...

BioEurope 2023

BioEurope 2023

BioEurope took place this year in Munich, 6-8th of November. Again this year, what a great opportunity to (re)connect with our European Network! It...

2023 AFSSI Connexions

2023 AFSSI Connexions

Back to the images of the 2023 AFSSI Connexions in Montpellier (4th and 5th of July)... The old medicine faculty of Montpellier held for 2 days the...

2023 events

2023 is going to be a rich year in terms of interaction amongst our network! Meet us at the following exhibitions: 📆 May 11th and 12th in Bordeaux...

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Building a true strategy about your pharmaceutical drugability