Back to the images of the 2024 AFSSI Connexions in Montpellier (2nd and 3rd of July)…

Like last year, this 11th edition took place in the old medicine faculty of Montpellier for 48 hours of intensive discussion about the general goal of making France the european preclinical R&D leader!

With a common thread of pitches and poster presentations, the first day was dedicated to plenary sessions about the following themes:

– New therapeutic strategies: what’s at stake and what are the effects on the preclinical R&D steps?

– The preclinical CRO digitalization to serve the Health competitiveness and sovereignty

– The preclinical CRO ranking in the national Health innovation politics

After a networking evening at the plants garden very nice setting, B2B meetings were the backbone of day2.

Thanks to the organization, we look forward to attending the convention next year!

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