AFSSI Connexions 2022

AFSSI Connexions 2022

Retour en images sur les AFSSI Connexions 2022 qui se tenaient à Lyon les 5 et 6 juillet derniers → Après 2 ans en distanciel, ces 2 jours étaient l’occasion de moments d’échange et de partage retrouvés entre les différents...
AFSSI Connections 2021

AFSSI Connections 2021

J-10 avant les 8èmes AFSSI connections, qui se tiendront cette année à nouveau en distanciel ! L’occasion d’échanger avec les membres de l’AFSSI, partenaires de la R&D en santé lors de 2 journées, les 28 et 29 septembre prochains. Retrouvez notamment Joël Vacus,...
BioEurope Spring 2021

BioEurope Spring 2021

Drugabilis will attend the Digital Bio-Europe Spring this end of March. As always, it will be a great opportunity to connect with partners from all over Europe and even further away! Feel free to request a meeting to talk about your own pharmaceutical drugability...
Digital Week 2020

Digital Week 2020

As part of the AFSSI digital week and during a 1h-webinar, CILcare, DRUGABILIS and VERTIDIAG shared their vision and experience of the possible synergies to be promoted between complementary-skilled AFSSI members. This event on replay...
AFSSI General Meeting 2020

AFSSI General Meeting 2020

In October was held the General Meeting of AFSSI, delayed to fall this year and organised online for the 1st time, due to Covid-19 pandemic. During this ½-day webinar, our CEO and President of AFSSI, Joël Vacus, presented the 2019 track record, as well as the general...
Bio-Europe Spring 2020

Bio-Europe Spring 2020

Drugabilis attended the 1st digital Bio-Europe Spring this year. Initially held in Paris, Bio-Europe Spring had to be rescheduled for digital meetings due to Covid-19 pandemic. It was an important event to meet with potential new...